Supernatural Magazine

A Brit in Mexico Investigating the Paranormal

Amazing is a word that can only describe my journey and holiday to Monterrey Mexico, to visit our friends who we got to know through the paranormal community in the USA.

With my partner Steve we flew out from London on July 24th 2008 to Houston and then took another flight to Monterrey in Mexico, to be given to warmest welcome from our friends who met us at the airport, little did I know that this journey would turn out to be one of the most exciting journeys I have ever been on.

Greg had spoken to the local paper about my arrival in Monterrey, to see if they would like to write a feature on me, being a CelebrityTV paranormal investigator here in the UK, who is conducting some investigation research while on holiday (well was supposed to be a no work holiday), they readily said yes and I met two people, who unknown to us all, would become very dear close friends in a very short amount of time.

Javier Ochoa and his partner Odra Lopez, came to Laura’s home to talk to me about featuring me in a full page feature in the El Sol paper, which Javier writes features three times a week. Laura’s husband Greg acted as translator and an immediate friendship was struck up there and then. In essence Javier was in ways the Mexican version of me, his passion, drive and knowledge was out of this world, his dedication into research and investigation was mind blowing, I had made a new friend for life.

Javier is a very warm man, who cares about the paranormal and has his very own team in Monterrey called Contacto Mistico Investigations, talented does not even describe this man, his partner Odra was simply beautiful, warm and also dedicated to further their own and other peoples knowledge of the world of spirit and investigations.

With offers from Javier to join them on investigation, this was a chance to explore international investigations with many barriers and bridges crossed between us both, an international alliance was born. On a personal note, I am hooked and very taken with Mexico, the way that the paranormal and spirits and investigations are respected I can only say is second to none. I wanted to know more, the thirst that I had already was about to be quenched, but would leave me wanting more, this is the most exciting time I remember saying to myself and I certainly wasn’t disappointed in anyway.

Below is a short description, of some of the investigations I had the greatest of pleasure in being a part of with my partner Steve, Laura and Greg and the ever so brilliant Contacto Mistico Investigations Team.

Pantheon de Dolores

This was one of the first places; we visited with Javier and Odra. Pantheon de Dolores is a very stunning, old and beautiful cemetery where we were taken. Many tales of ghostly activity were told and have been experienced here.

The story of the little girl, who was on her way to the cemetery to bring her father, who worked at the cemetery, his lunch but she was knocked down and killed outside of the cemetery walls. It is said that she is often heard and seen within the pantheon itself, where she is also interred in the family crypt.

Javier took me to a very large crypt, which dated back to the 1800’s, he told me to feel the stone and to place my hand on it, so with that I did, it was very warm being as it was over 100 degrees outside in the sun, then he told me to place my hand the other side of the stone, and when I did it was icy cold, with no shade around and with my logic telling me all kinds of explanations that, when I thought about it I could not really come up with a plausible explanation.

Laura also experienced a very odd icy cold breeze that was coming out of nowhere, this too was odd as I have mentioned that it was over 100 degree, the heat was unreal and there was no wind or no breeze. Laura was also drawn to a section of the cemetery further in and was picking up on spirit energies, could this have been causing the cold spots!!!!

La Casa Del Doctor Pequeno

Build into the side of the mountain, floated this amazing house, it was build and cut into the stone in the mountain, this once belonged to Doctor Pequeno and now stand empty in a shadow of its former self, it was very impressive to say the least.

After driving up in the jeep, on roads where not really fit for transport, with sheer drops on side, we reached the top, where Javier and Odra began to tell us the story behind this building.The Doctor, created the house to be alone and not intruded by his experiments to resolve the issue of being paralysed, of which it is believed that his own child was paralysed. It seems that this house became a laboratory for his experiments on people and the feeling is that, they went up to the house, but never came down. Javier told us that this house was very active with spirit and many people have fled the scene after being scared, never to return ever again. This house was stunningly beautiful but on saying that, it felt pained and very sad. I think we all felt some kind of sad emotion while we were there.

La Clinica Evita

This was one of the most chilling places I have ever been to and was location in a very rough and bad area of downtown Monterrey. The story behind the haunting and activity in the clinic is a sickening one and I think we all felt apprehension on this night investigation.

We were told that a Doctor at the clinic, was causing malpractice to patients, and also aborting near full term babies as well as other hideous acts. Subsequently there was a shoot out from the window on the first floor; the police and the Doctor were shooting at each other, before he took his own life in that room.

As nasty as this place was, it was also intriguing and in a very bad condition. With Laura and some of Javier’s team we entered the room, where the suicide and shoot out with police occurred, Laura and myself were standing side by side, when the worst thing you can imagined happened.

My partner Steve came into the room and was filming as he came in, with that there was an almighty noise, Laura shouted “Steve” followed by myself saying “get him the **** out of there now, Steve had fallen through the floor, but it was sheer luck that something in the floor caught him, I believe there was some rubble in the hole. He was hurt and had a puncture wound in his shin, I was giving first aid with members of Javier’s team, who I may say both Steve and I owe so much too. We rushed Steve to San Jose Hospital where he received excellent treatment and care, with stitches in his shin.

I wish to express my thanks to Javier and his team, Laura and Greg and the excellent care Steve was given, this will not be forgotten. I have to say as an investigator, I would be willing to return back to the clinic for further investigation, but I am in no hurry or rush to do so.

Pantheon Jardin.

This was one of the most exciting, heart beating locations I have been too, with so much activity occurring within its walls. It is a beautiful place even after dark. The young spirit of Nina has been seen and caught by Javier before, on previous visits to this place and on this night, while using his very own Joes Box, given to him by Laura, Nina spoke.

Now the Joes box was on, and not really picking up any radio signal at all what so ever, when a clear young voice of what we believe to be Nina was talking to Javier and everyone else. I was stunned as we all was and I can see no logical explanation to lead me to believe this was anything other than a true spirit voice, who clearly wanted to be loved and also told us to leave. Now I believe she told us to leave not because she wanted us too, but because of darker forces at work in the cemetery. What is even more interesting is that Greg said, if he hadn’t had heard it for himself, he would have questioned what we were hearing.

It was amazing!.

I mentioned darker forces, by this I mean black magic was going on within the cemetery. While we were there, Javier climbed down on to one of the open and disused crypts, he found a bag which when he opened was filled what appeared to be animal entrails, used in black magic rituals. Javier is trying to stamp out this kind of practice and his goals are admirable.

We also believe we might have encountered the Witch of Monterrey called The Bruja. This is something that both Laura and I find amazing, fascinating and is very keen to research further to prove or debunk her existence. I will post another blog about this in a separate piece soon.

I mentioned darker forces, by this I mean black magic was going on within the cemetery. While we were there, Javier climbed down on to one of the open and disused crypts, he found a bag which when he opened was filled what appeared to be animal entrails, used in black magic rituals. Javier is trying to stamp out this kind of practice and his goals are admirable.

We also believe we might have encountered the Witch of Monterrey called The Bruja. This is something that both Laura and I find amazing, fascinating and is very keen to research further to prove or debunk her existence. I will post another blog about this in a separate piece soon.

It’s very clear that Javier and I, his team and the team I belong to UK5 Paranormal have made a lifelong alliance together and this is being taken further, with members of the team joining me on our first international trip together as a team back to Monterrey to conduct some amazing projects together in 2009.

I wish to thank everyone for the kindness and out of this world treatment shown to Steve and Myself. Laura and Greg I want to thank you both so much for the wonderful journey we shared together and for opening your home to us, it will not be forgotten.

My new friends, if you are reading this….I will be back soon

Ray Jorden

Ray Jorden

Since Ray can remember, he knew there was something different about him that made himself a loner at times. He can recall vividly playing alone, or with his cousin in the cellar of his grandfather’s large house. To them it was like a wonderland full of possessions and memorabilia collected over the years and we were talking a man who had served in the Battle of the Somme war.

To his cousin and Ray, the cellar was a magical place where they used to try and contact the spirit world. At such a young age Ray knew that death was not the final curtain, he knew that we just moved on to somewhere we could not be seen but were there. He remembers sitting in front of a mirror with a candle, why this method they did not know, but knew it felt right, calling out to ghosts, did they really think it would work? Well the answer quite simply was yes.

He has always asked the question “once we dead are we dead” Ray firmly believes that we do not cease to exist, but where we go is that unanswered question and journey that keeps Ray going.

With an interest in the paranormal spanning over thirty years, Ray Jorden better know from the 2014 - Present worldwide TV hit Haunting: Australia (now aired in over 25+ countries) as one of the Celebrity Ghost Hunters making up the UK contingent of the cast, the show airs in USA on 24th March on Syfy Channel.

With a huge array of TV, Radio, and Media credits to his name, investigating the paranormal in his own unique style of an old super sleuth is his huge passion, being able to translate this to TV and taking the viewers on a rollercoaster of investigating.

With further TV and ghost hunting event appearances planned for 2015, and further long term commitments to Haunting: Australia, Ray will be taking his audience to new locations and uncover and is looking forward to bringing the show alongside the other cast to America.