Supernatural Magazine

Interview with the self named “Crazy Doll Lady” Katrin Reedik

Katrin Reedik has recently become somewhat of a celebrity within the paranormal sub culture of ‘Haunted Dolls’. With recent appearances on ITV’s This Morning and in The Sun Newspaper, Katrin has made it her mission to bring the subject of Spirit Attachment to the masses. Her love for her ‘spirit babies’ is as powerful as any mothers love for her children, and she is fiercely protective of them, even hiring baby sitters to watch over them when she goes on holiday. Of course the subject of spirited objects is one which divides many and leaves collectors and believers open to skepticism and misunderstanding. However, before we laugh at those who choose this path, maybe we should ask ourselves “what’s the difference between a haunted house and a haunted doll?” If one can hold residual energy, why can’t the other?

I recently put a few questions to Katrin to get more of an insight into her world.

Firstly, how and when did you first hear about paranormal active dolls?

After I moved to Scotland in 2008, I was looking for information about the paranormal.

I was mainly interested in ghosts, because I had the spirit of a middle aged gentleman in my old home back in Estonia. As I was browsing the internet for information, my laptop started acting strangely and a pop-up window appeared out of nowhere. It was about haunted dolls.

How many dolls do you have in your collection?

I have 20 of my own and my 2 sons each have 1 so we have 22 in total and counting

Do you have any favourites? If so what can you tell us about them?

If I say “Yes”, it is a lie as I love all of them. They are my companions and friends. I can’t imagine life without them. Having said that I am drawn to Michael, my 8 month old baby boy spirit, more than most. He was murdered by his mother in his cot.

Have you ever had any frightening experiences?

Oh yes. The first time was in my old house in Estonia. We had a middle aged man who had committed suicide in the back of the cellar. His spirit remained in the house and attacked my oldest son Christopher. Chris had hand marks on his hands and he refused to sleep in our bedroom. He was less than 12 months old at the time.

The second time was in my flat in Glasgow. I purchased a medallion necklace, which had paranormal connections. The story goes that a 12 year old boy stabbed an 11 year old girl because she did not want to play with him. The girl was wearing this locket at the time. We believe that the spirit of the angry young boy had came over to Glasgow with us along with the girl. I contacted the seller and she told me to do a spiritual cleansing with olive oil.

What do your friends and family think about you owning such items?

My mom was non-believer but after she encountered a ghost herself, she couldn’t deny the truth. Some of my friends are believers but most of them are afraid. They can’t understand how it is possible. Most of my relatives are afraid and, I think jealous. I’ve been always different. I know people think I’m nuts. But am I

Why collect spirited dolls?

Why not? If you have an interest in the paranormal then you can always start with dolls. They don’t need so much of your time and effort. But remember - they need to be respected. They were once living people just like us. When you own a spirited doll or item, you can do sessions in your own home whenever you want. They can be companions, friends and teachers. They can teach you a lot about death, afterlife and more. One day you may discover your mediumistic skills as a result of connecting with spirit dolls.

Have you ever seen a ghost?

Yes, back in Estonia. We had 2 ghosts in our home. The middle aged man I mentioned and also his little girl who was aged about 10. One day me and partner at the time were watching TV and saw a little girl walk into our living room and cross from one corner to another. Even our dog saw her and reacted! She vanished and the next second she was sitting on our dresser. That was a “What a hell”? moment. We heard footsteps in our loft many times too. I’ve also obviously seen my dolls spirits in my flat in Glasgow.

Do you use any special equipment to communicate with the spirits?

I use my camcorder, camera, smartphone, Olympus recorder, K2 meter and pendulum. I also get a lot of information through my dreams. I have recently purchased a trigger object which is a little toy elephant with a sound box. I also like to use a range of divination tools like tarot cards, pendulums, herbs, voodoo dolls, candles and crystals.

Do you collect just paranormal dolls, or do you have any other ‘active’ items?

I have 1 spirited ring. The previous owner Robert is a funny man. My bedroom smells different when he is around.

What advice would you give to anyone considering starting a collection?

Do a lot of research about the dolls and the seller. Ask questions. Talk to other collectors. Basically get as much info as possible. If you feel negative or unsure about anything - don’t buy.

So from little girl ghosts in her living room to middle aged male spirits attacking her children, it is clear that Katrin has had her fair share of paranormal experiences to date. One wonders how many more new residents she will welcome into her home and what she will ultimately learn from them as time goes on. Katrin speaks in such a matter of fact way about her haunted collection and her experiences that it is bound to make even the most hardened cynics out there wonder…who is truly crazy – haunted doll collectors or non believers?

Jayne Harris

Jayne Harris

Recently described in VICE’s Broadly Magazine as “Britains Foremost Female Paranormal Investigator”, Jayne is Co-Founder of HD Paranormal and Chairwoman of the Midlands Society for Paranormal Research (MSPR).

Jaynes fascination with the unexplained and specifically spirit attachment began in 1998 and she has spent the last 18 years studying, investigating and experiencing the phenomena first hand. As a qualified Psychologist and member of the Parapsychological Association, Jayne loves continuously learning having also studied Demonology, Theology and Medieval History.

Jaynes writes for a number of paranormal publications including Haunted Magazine and The Spectral Times. Her debut book “What Dwells Within - A study of Spirit Attachment” was released in October 2015 and received the Readers Favourite 5 star award. Jayne is a regular on TV and Radio worldwide.

HD Paranormal are the caretakers of Peggy The Doll, currently recognised as The UK’s most haunted doll and one of the top 10 most haunted objects in the world