Supernatural Magazine

1880 Victorian

While this Covid-19 virus, stay at Home period is in effect, I am making my home at the 1880 Victorian in St. Augustine, Florida. I like to say Thank you to the owner of the 1880 Victorian for his written permission for me to complete Paranormal Sessions at the 1880 Victorian. This Victorian structure is considered today, to be a Victorian town-house. The 1880 Victorian has a narrow frontage width along the Spanish Street, of twenty-six feet. The 1880 Victorian was built in 1884 and has had several owners and many people who have resided within this three-story Victorian structure.

When I arrived at the 1880 Victorian on the 28th day of March 2020, as an empath I could feel that the Ghosts and Spirits were welcoming me and were very eager to be heard by a living person! I have noticed the results of so many Ghosts and Spirits wanting to have a word with me. As a result of a highly active location, the Ovilus Vb, continuously gives me words for over 40 minutes on the first occasion. The second time that the Ovilus Vb give me continuous words for 30 minutes, until I turned the Ovilus Vb off. During both of these prolong periods when the Ovilus Vb gave me back to back words, whenever I would start to speak over the words given by the Ovilus Vb, the words coming from the Ovilus Vb would stop and start again once I stop talking. All most like an intelligent Ghost and or Spirit was giving me the floor, so they could listen to what I had to say.

I am hoping to have an opportunity to complete at least two or three, one-hour Paranormal Sessions within each room and porch at the 1880 Victorian. I am very comfortable staying here at the 1880 Victorian. It is a very relaxed location in the heart of the Historical St. Augustine, Florida. I recommend the 1880 Victorian to anyone who likes to communicate with intelligent, kind and friendly Ghosts and Spirits! As an empath I feel like the Ghosts and Spirits are enjoying the lack of living people on the streets of St. Augustine, Florida. I look forward to completing more Paranormal Sessions here at the 1880 Victorian in St. Augustine, Florida.

Keith Evans

Keith Evans

The author of, “The Hays House Ghosts are People too!”, Keith Evans, has a bachelor’s decree in Chemistry, from the University of Central Florida. He is a retired Forensic Scientist. He has been involved with Paranormal Comunicating all of his life. He plans to bring the Guardian Angle Ghosts and or Spirits to the forefront of everyone’s thought processes. He hopes to teach everyone the importance of saving the Victorian homes and the antiques that may have resided within these homes!