Supernatural Magazine

New Year

What has happened to you this year? Would you say that the experiences and situations that you have been through have made you a stronger character? Are you brought down by negativity or do you rise above it?

If you don’t take action you will realise that your life has passed you by. You will only be left with regret because you did not give it your all, you did not do what you needed to!

It is that time of year when we reflect upon the past year. Every year we get asked the same question “What is your New Year’s resolution?” and the majority of us say we would like to travel… lose weight etc.

Ask yourself ” What can I do that will nourish my soul and make my future a good one?” Now for most of you that know my writing style, this is the part where I say “Make your dreams a reality! Never give in and never give up no matter what.” but today I will ask you to “Focus and stay strong! If you want something go out there and make it happen.”

I shall give you an example.

As some of you know five years ago I started writing The Love Tie trilogy. Every single day without fail I got up and wrote and promoted my book. I had previously done three years of performing arts at college, but was declined a placement on the next course, due to personal reasons.

I knew that this was a make it or break it situation. Love Tie could potentially kick starts my career as a writer. I was taking a big leap of faith into the unknown, as I had no English qualifications or anything like that. But I have always had a passion for writing, so I trusted my instincts and started to write.

After a year’s worth of work, I believe it or not deleted it! I deleted it all because I was not happy with the way I had written it. I was considered mad by some people! Life is about taking chances and seeing where it leads. So I started to write Love Tie again. There were many setbacks (Such as my computer deleting 3 of the drafts!) I didn’t let that stop me though. I pushed myself and that’s what you must do as well!

When all the Christmas decorations have been taken down, and all the presents have been unwrapped, you’re still going to be the same person as you were from this year. Some people get too caught up in “The magic” of Christmas, therefore thinking that their life is automatically going to change!

No one is going to come along and make your dreams a reality for you! You have to do it yourself! The time to act is now! So what are you hoping to achieve in 2017?

I am currently writing the sequel and prequel to Love Tie, as well as some children’s books. I like to work towards something it keeps life interesting! Prove the people that didn’t think you could do it wrong!

Happy New Year.

Arabella Mortimer Hendry

Arabella Mortimer Hendry

Arabella is a freelance Author/writer. She has always had a passion for writing since an early age. She has currently published one book Love Tie, but is hoping to release more in the future. Growing up in a haunted house only fuled her interest in the paranormal. Arabella has and is still investigating and documenting her experiences. She resides in Horsham Town with her family.