Supernatural Magazine

The Birdcage

In the Sonoran Desert lies a Town which is too tough to die, the town of Tombstone is one of the most authentic Wild West communities in the USA.

The town became popular in the 1800s when it became the largest productive silver district in Arizona.The area became a pit stop for many a weary traveller, tradesman and some infamous Cowboys including Billie the kid, Curly Bill, Doc Holiday, Earp brothers, County Cowboys clan.

In the heart of the town stands the notorious Birdcage Theatre, it was opened on December 26th 1881, originally owned by a variety performer William Hutchison, who had hoped to put on family friendly shows (he got the inspiration from seeing such shows in San Francisco) but unfortunately the community weren’t keen on the idea, so he reverted to putting on Baser entertainment shows.

Throughout the decades the Theatre evolved into a Saloon, brothel and bar. It is said that the longest poker game took place in the basement of the building which lasted from 1881-1889 for 24 hrs, 7 days a week. During that time £10 million was exchanged.

Today the Birdcage theatre is considered to be one of the most haunted places in America. Not only has it been featured on paranormal programmes (Ghost Adventures, Ghost Lab, Paranormal hunters, discovery Channel.) The staff of the theatre claim, that there are 26 ghosts that reside in the building.

I had the opportunity to talk with a person who works there.

“I’ve been whispered to twice, I’ve had my hair pulled! Smelt perfume right under my nose when I’m the only one in the building. Most of the activity happens between 8am and 15:30pm. The atmosphere feels like I’ve stepped into a party I wasn’t invited to, we have no dark spirits here, these spirits have fun here. Yes somewhere shot and killed but that’s the Wild West”

Many tourists claim to of seen figures of woman whilst doing a tour in the building. Others have reported the feeling of being watched.

“Me and my family had a great paranormal experience at the Birdcage, and no it’s not fake or a setup. You really see, hear, smell and feel unusual paranormal phenomenon. We took an EVP and a female ghost actually spoke to us. It really blew us away. The whole town is haunted. I also recommend Boot hill graveyard, it’s something you wouldn’t want to miss in tombstone! Have fun folks “

“We were there at night with lights out. Caught great EVP’s and pictures of orbs mists and even a face! Most things are left the way they were back in the 1800’s. Very cool! The place has many very interesting and thrilling stories about it.”

“Really enjoyed tombstone, there is so much history and haunts. My Wife took pictures in the birdcage theatre and got a couple of unexpected things and faces in them.

Great place and looking forward to another visit”

Tombstone is definitely on my bucket list!

Arabella Mortimer Hendry

Arabella Mortimer Hendry

Arabella is a freelance Author/writer. She has always had a passion for writing since an early age. She has currently published one book Love Tie, but is hoping to release more in the future. Growing up in a haunted house only fuled her interest in the paranormal. Arabella has and is still investigating and documenting her experiences. She resides in Horsham Town with her family.