Supernatural Magazine

Unscrambling The Mystique And Inscrutable Character Of An Undercover Alien Hunter And Whistleblower UFO

Unscrambling The Mystique And Inscrutable Character Of An Undercover Alien Hunter And Whistleblower

Most discussions of Commander X begin with this question. Who the heck is he REALLY? This issue is grappled with in the newly released “The Commander X Files – Updated – Identifying the Real Commander X.”

In this most recent offering of Commander X’s prolific works – as published by Timothy Green Beckley’s Inner Light-Global Communications publishing house – the cover teases that the book will identify the “real” Commander X.

Which is true up to a point. But revealing the literal, physical, human identity of Commander X would endanger not only Commander X himself but also many of the people with whom he works as he labors to bring the truth of so many government/alien conspiracies to the attention of that portion of the reading public who are receptive to his general message. The truth can set you free, but it can also lead to imprisonment or assassination, a familiar threat to those who conceal their identities and sources of information as a necessary requisite to doing business.


But Commander X has sanctioned that a little information about his working methods can be uncovered at last – the fact that his writing was often corrected and made more readable by the late Jim Keith, a conspiracy theorist whose story is also a fascinating one in itself.

As Beckley writes in his introduction to “The Commander X Files – Updated,” it’s all gotten a little complicated over the years. Still, Beckley does offer some tidbits he hopes readers will find satisfying.

“I am going to tell you something,” Beckley writes, “that I have never revealed to anyone else before. Some of the books by Commander X were not written in their entirety by him. He had help.”

Beckley first addresses the accusation that Commander X is just another disinformation agent. He defends the Commander by saying that the secretive figure had always been aboveboard and honest in his dealings with Beckley himself, which is all Beckley can really know.

“True, I have never met him in the flesh,” Beckley continues, “but in the ‘old days’ we did exchange correspondence and a couple of telephone calls. I think if you have been an avid reader of the Commander X books, you will agree that he has made some striking revelations. He says he worked at Area 51. That he knows about the underground base at Dulce. Was involved in the government’s teleportation program.”


But Commander X was continually on the run from his enemies, whether they were part of the international cabal or the aliens themselves.

“Often he would submit a few pages at a time,” Beckley explains, “ramble on a bit and not complete a project he had started on in all earnest. Even as a small publisher, we had to adhere to some sort of schedule for the release of a new title. In order for us to fit into a specific timeslot, we had to get the good Commander a bit of literary ‘help.’ We had to find someone who could polish up a manuscript and fill in some of the blanks. Nothing drastic, mind you, but you still can’t put out a book that is full of incomplete thoughts and not rendered in a professional manner.”

So Beckley turned to the aforementioned Jim Keith, a writer who was quickly establishing himself as a prominent conspiracy theorist.

“If you have ever been into alternative topics such as black ops, UFOs and mind control, you probably have a number of Jim’s books close at hand,” Beckley writes. “His most important works include ‘Saucers of the Illuminati,’ ‘Mind Control, World Control,’ ‘Casebook of the Men in Black,’ ‘Black Helicopters Over America,’ and ‘OK-Bomb!’ Unfortunately, tragedy struck at an early age, when Jim Keith passed away suddenly – some say under mysterious circumstances.”

Beckley draws on writer Peter Robbins to fill in some of the background.

“Jim was truly a conspiracist’s conspiracist,” Robbins writes. “He spoke at numerous conferences about conspiracies and contributed many articles to journals and magazines. He did not subscribe to the extraterrestrial theory of UFOs and viewed the phenomena as human in origin. He felt that the craft involved were entirely the product of highly classified governmental programs, employing advanced technology.”

In September 1999, Jim was attending “Burning Man,” a weeklong arts festival held annually in Black Rock, Nevada, when he broke his knee in a fall from a stage. He underwent emergency surgery in Reno, Nevada, where he resided. During the operation, a blood clot was released and entered his lung, which was the official cause of his death.

“It’s particularly tempting,” Robbins writes, “to yell murder when someone so dedicated to conspiratorial thinking, and to bringing government abuses and cover-ups to the attention of the public, dies under such freaky circumstances. If the blood clot was not the cause of his death, as some still maintain, I doubt if we will ever learn what in fact it was.”


Beckley resumes the narrative by writing: “Interestingly enough, at about the same time as Jim Keith’s passing – whatever the cause might have been – a ‘wild rumor’ started to circulate. It was being said that Keith was in reality the mysterious Commander X. These rumors were denied by Keith himself and ‘verified’ by at least one ‘close friend’ who thought Jim had taken him into his confidence. Actually, Jim was not lying or covering up for Commander X or, for that matter, our publishing company. He was NOT Commander X. There was – and still is, somewhere out there – an actual Commander X!”


Having dealt with these weighty facts and suspicions, “The Commander X Files – Updated” moves on to the writings of Commander X – as told to Jim Keith.

The first chapter, called “Escape to Abduction,” is a thrilling opener as it recounts the story of Commander X being warned by a phone call from a friend in the intelligence community that the Commander’s cover had been blown and he should “run like hell.” As he flees his pursuers (whom he calls “hired murderers who had been hunting me for years, ever since my defection”), he philosophizes that, “I had given it my best shot, and that was all I could do. I had done my best to warn the people of the world about the Secret Government and the gray aliens and their plans, and if I didn’t last another day, it would have all been worth it.”

Commander X arrives at a grassy overlook at the shoreline of the Pacific Ocean. Thinking he has managed to conceal himself from the human element, he is struck by the sight of two unmarked black helicopters in “whisper mode” who obviously know where he is. They are followed quickly by the appearance of an alien craft, which he calls “truly beautiful in a purely artistic way.” The craft shoots a cool white beam of light from its underside that engulfs the Commander in the most intense fear he has ever felt.

“I was about to say that that was when I blacked out, but the term isn’t appropriate,” he writes. “I whited out. I knew no more.”

A typical day in the life for Commander X? It would be a little daunting, to say the least, if that was the case. But the fact of the black helicopters working in concert with an alien ship does serve to illustrate one of Commander X’s primary operating assumptions.

“The most horrifying truth that ever confronts a researcher into UFOs and aliens,” he writes, “is the realization that, at a certain point, forces within the U.S. government capitulated to and, at least to a certain degree, joined forces with the aliens in their goal to dominate the Earth.”


As an example of the treachery of the gray aliens, Commander X presents a short Q and A with a woman he calls “Miss N,” who was employed as an executive secretary at what is known as the A.T.C. (the Alien Technology Center) at an Air Force base the Commander declines to name. The A.T.C. was a secret “sub-facility” that has been in operation since the 1960s.

“It had been believed until recently,” Commander X writes, “that this area of [deleted] was under the control of the human forces and engaged in researches positive to human aspirations, but subsequent events showed that this had been a ruse fostered by the gray aliens.”

The Commander explains that he often travels incognito to UFO conferences around the country in order to chat with the attendees. Along with the gawkers, the debunkers, and the merely curious, he says one also meets individuals with a real knowledge of the planetary situation.

One such savvy attendee was the aforementioned Miss N, whom Commander X calls “articulate” and “perfectly rational.” He first met her at a UFO convention and she continues to be one of his informants.

“It was apparent to me after speaking with Miss N for a brief while,” he writes, “and after having her pull me aside to see the array of government identification cards which she carried in her wallet, that she knew about what she spoke. While she was terrified and was looking for someone to ease her mind about what she had witnessed at [deleted], she was also privy to an otherwise unreported instance of alien betrayal by the higher-ups in the military.”

Here are portions of Commander X’s dialogue with Miss N, as transcribed from an audio recording:

X. You alluded to a “shutdown” and a “cover-up” at the A.T.C. portion of the base in 1991? I hadn’t heard about that. Could you give me some additional details?

Miss N: I’m surprised you didn’t hear about it considering your connections to the military. I won’t pretend I’m not scared telling you about all of this. They came in, came right into the lab area . . .

X. Who came in? Military intelligence?

Miss N: It was totally transparent what happened. My God, who do they think they are? The talk had been going around that the scientists in Section G, which supposedly dealt with antigravity research from what I heard, had made a big breakthrough. We thought that was supposed to be the purpose of the center, to actually make scientific discoveries, so I guess nobody was trying to hide what they heard. But that wasn’t it at all. It was only supposed to look like that.

X. I’m not quite following you. What happened?

Miss N: Really, I can’t believe that you didn’t hear about this. I heard it was a directive, straight from the grays, that was issued to the brass at the A.T.C. An ultimatum, I guess. They terminated the scientists in Section G and they tried to cover it up by . . .

X. Terminated? Do you mean . . .

Miss N: You know as well as I do that I don’t mean “fired from their job.” I mean they killed them, they killed four scientists in the A.T.C. and they tried to cover it up pretending it was radiation poisoning. They sent the hit team into the compound . . .

X. Humans?

Miss N: Yes, I’m sorry to say it was humans who did the job. They came into the lab dressed in radiation suits, and the alarms were going off. I heard the shots, even though they used silencers. I heard the shouts and the crashing of equipment. It didn’t last long, maybe three minutes total.

I think you understand as well as I do what the situation is. The research is a total fraud, a cover-up, and they’re keeping the scientists pretty much tethered, giving them little bits and pieces of information and technology. They know that, if we know what they know, then we can fight them, maybe even win. God help me, I hope no one saw me talking to you.

The foregoing conversation between Commander X and Miss N puts in a nutshell so much of what Commander X is all about. There is the collusion between the secret government and the hostile gray aliens, aliens who sometimes masquerade as benefactors to mankind. There is the cloak-and-dagger meeting with an informant who fears being murdered even for speaking in secret. There is an “ear witness” to an unlawful execution of government scientists who somehow drew the anger of the gray aliens by going too far with a technological breakthrough, a breakthrough they had been told they were supposed to pursue.

“I agree with Miss N’s assessment that the alien forces will stop at nothing,” Commander X writes, “to keep humanity in the dark about advanced technology, while at the same time pretending to offer it to us.”


In another recent offering from Inner Light-Global Communications, entitled “America’s Top Secret Treaty with Alien Life Forms,” Commander X discusses similar themes of a secret branch of the government’s longtime conspiracy with the gray intruders.

“Primarily, what the government doesn’t want people to know,” he writes, “is that an actual agreement was drawn up between the military and the group which John Lear and others have identified as the EBEs (short for Extraterrestrial Biological Entities). The key figures taking part in this scenario had no reason to suspect anything but the best from what they had taken into their confidence. The EBEs said they wanted to take a few humans for examination, that they had actually seeded the planet at the time of creation, eons ago, and simply wanted to keep track of their scientific experiment. For being allowed the privilege of abducting members of the human race on a limited basis, they were seemingly willing to give us scientific data which would greatly enhance our technology.”

According to Commander X, what the government didn’t realize was that the aliens planned to abduct tens of thousands of people, plant monitoring devices in the abductees’ brains, and program them with specific series of responses to direct commands. In other words, the aliens were going to take a much bigger bite out of the human population than what was agreed to and then take complete control of their victims’ unsuspecting minds.

“The EBEs – also behind our backs – began to mutilate cows and other animals,” Commander X writes, “because they wished to use their tissues to create a genetically advanced race of flesh and blood robots. When the government realized what the EBEs had in mind, and wanted to go back on their agreement, the aliens took over several of the bases where they had already installed underground laboratories.”


As someone with close military ties, Commander X says he is in a privileged position to know what is going on. He feels it is his patriotic duty to reveal all he knows regardless of the consequences.

“This conspiracy has gone on far too long,” he writes, “and it surely would continue were it not for the a few brave souls who have literally risked their very lives to leak the story of the century to a public that has been left in ‘blissful ignorance.’ I can testify to the fact that this conspiracy leads right up to the front gate of the White House and behind the walls of the Kremlin; for it is a secret that all the major world powers share, but continue to keep to themselves, for fear of what the repercussions of their actions and the eventual outcome of the situation may be.”

One would certainly hope to be among the “few brave souls” Commander X refers to and do one’s part to help to break the leash the grays and their government allies hold us to heel with, to use an unfortunate “dog” metaphor. In taking up the struggle, the reader should begin by familiarizing oneself with the books of Commander X, which are published to the potential peril of many in the fields of UFO and conspiracy research. Let us hope that there is still time to undo the damage that has already been done.







Sean Casteel

Sean Casteel

Sean Casteel is a freelance journalist who has been writing about UFOs, alien abduction and many other paranormal subjects since 1989. Sean’s writing appeared in many UFO- and paranormal-related magazines, including “UFO Magazine,” Tim Beckley’s “UFO Universe,” “FATE Magazine,” “Mysteries Magazine,” and “Open Minds Magazine,” most of which are now defunct but were a major part of a thriving UFO press in their heyday. Magazines in the UK, Italy, Romania and Australia have also published Sean’s work.

Sean has written or contributed to over 30 books for Global Communications and Inner Light Publications, all of which are available from Sean’s books include “The Heretic’s UFO Guidebook,” which analyzes a selection of Gnostic Christian writings and their relationship to the UFO phenomenon, and “Signs and Symbols of the Second Coming,” in which he interviews several religious and paranormal experts about how prophecies of the Second Coming of Christ may be fulfilled.

To view and purchase books Sean has written or contributed to, visit his Amazon author page at: