Supernatural Magazine

Jayne Harris Interviews Valentina Marie Lomborg

Sensitive Paranormal Investigator & International Model VALENTINA LOMBORG searches for the unexplained with Science & psychic abilities

J: Hi Valentina! – First of all, thank you for chatting to us today. As a model, TV host, psychic medium and author do you ever find it difficult to juggle the demands of each?



J: You star in the show “Ghost Girl” – can you tell readers about the show?

Ghost girl was a concept that started when i lived in Hawaii. I started filming episodes there, a major network took interest in it and there was a wuestion of whether to go with them or produce my own show on my own. After a year and a half i moved back to los Angeles and got a little sidetracked so “GG” got put on the back burner for a bit. I have been approached by casting director and paranormal shows at least 10 times so far, but often they are pilots and concpts that i think frizzle out before they get off the ground.

J: What sparked your interest in the paranormal?

I’ve had an interest in it since I was a child, but I was too busy doing other things back then to really give it too much energy, plus there wasn’t much going on back then. It wasn’t really talked about back then. It wasn’t until 2010, when I was at a convention aboard the Queen Mary ship in long beach, California that things really peaked y interest and the paranormal interest started back up again in full swing.

J: I noticed on your Facebook page that you are also a channeller? Can you explain the process of channelling someone in spirit?

Channelling can be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing because it opens you up to allowing anything to enter you and work through you. I will only do it briefly occasionally if it allows the spirit to convey things quicker by having them speak through me or write through me. I always get them out of my body as quickly as I can afterwards and get my body back. I did it one time for a suicide (That video is on YouTube) and I wasn’t prepared for the intense sadness and remorse that suddenly went through me from the victim. After that I realised I have to be more careful with when I do those.

J: What are the craziest experiences you’ve had while connecting with the spirit world?

To be honest there are so many wild and wonderful experiences, which is why I had to sit down and put them in a book. To be honest having had more things happen to me in two years than most paranormal investigators will dream of encountering their lifetime. For some reason, I was just chosen to have these things happen to me, I so I could be a teacher and help others cased on my own experiences. Believe me, some things that have happened to me I honestly wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. It doesn’t help that my high energy lifestyle makes me a magnet for ghosts. They just find me fascinating I guess for instance, my hair used to be al pink and I would wear all pink, on more than once occasion I have had them call me Pinky. Through the ovilus device, they are very clever those ghosts.

J: I understand that you believe you have the “only genuine photograph” of the ghost that haunts the Queen Mary, is this true, and if so, can you tell me how you came to have such a photo?

Well it was just one of those evenings; I was running around the Queen Mary in my pyjamas (As you do) after hours. It was shortly after 11.00pm and I was just wondering down hallways taking photographs of random doorways when I suddenly felt like I needed to take a picture of this doorway. Nothing was visible to the naked eye, and it wasn’t until I for home and started going through the images that I realised there was an apparition!

The image is grainy as it was taken about 30 feet away from the doorway and I had to zoom in but I don’t believe it is matrixing. This is the real deal. Others have run the photograph through various applications but cannot find no explanation other than it’s a ghost on film.

J: How do your friends and family feel about your abilities?

If I have to explain myself, they properly shouldn’t be my friends. All my friends respect myself, and believe in what I do. Many have witness’s things I have done or have had readings from me. My whole family I sadly lost two years ago, but my Mother was a big believer in what I did and told me she and Father were very proud of what I do for people. My son believes me and has had his own encounters with the other side.

J: Now I’m also told that you have appeared in quite a few Movies including Dumb & Dumber is that true?

Ha, yeah. I have been on the small and big screen quite a bit.

J: Tell us about your movie career!

I started modelling back home in Denmark at the age of 18 months. It seems to have never left me. When I eventually moved to Los Angeles in 1991, my career really took off and I was working seven days a week. I was always on some show, a movie, MTV or modelling for some big shoot. You could say I lived the dream life amongst some of the biggest names in Hollywood. I always looked at it as just a job, it was different that other people’s jobs, but still a means to work nonetheless.

J: Who would be your dream movie co-star?

Gosh, now you are putting me on the spot, I love Jason Statham, plus he is a diver like I am, or Jeremy Renner seems like a cool action star with a fun side to him.

J: What are your goals for the future?

Well, to finish my book “A voice for the Dead” Which is my first book on all my paranormal cases coming soon to Amazon. That will be followed with my second book on my psychic cases and the afterlife. I just want to be allowed to continue my work interacting with the living and the dead, because it is what I am best at.

Thank you for taking the time to speak with Supernatural Magazine!

Valentina’s first book “A voice for the Dead” is due for release in January 2018.

You can learn more about Valentina’s work on her website:

YouTube Channel: VGirl

Jayne Harris

Jayne Harris

Recently described in VICE’s Broadly Magazine as “Britains Foremost Female Paranormal Investigator”, Jayne is Co-Founder of HD Paranormal and Chairwoman of the Midlands Society for Paranormal Research (MSPR).

Jaynes fascination with the unexplained and specifically spirit attachment began in 1998 and she has spent the last 18 years studying, investigating and experiencing the phenomena first hand. As a qualified Psychologist and member of the Parapsychological Association, Jayne loves continuously learning having also studied Demonology, Theology and Medieval History.

Jaynes writes for a number of paranormal publications including Haunted Magazine and The Spectral Times. Her debut book “What Dwells Within - A study of Spirit Attachment” was released in October 2015 and received the Readers Favourite 5 star award. Jayne is a regular on TV and Radio worldwide.

HD Paranormal are the caretakers of Peggy The Doll, currently recognised as The UK’s most haunted doll and one of the top 10 most haunted objects in the world