Supernatural Magazine

Phantom Detectives

Phantom Detectives LLC is a Wilmington Delaware paranormal investigation organization founded by Joshua Chaires on August 20, 2020. Chaires wanted to bring more science and technology into the paranormal investigation field. After founding the team he went ahead and appointed his first official lead investigator in team history. This lead investigator was with him on a previous team, but came over with him to the new team. After he founded this team Chaires went ahead to create business cards, social media pages, had a logo designed, and started purchasing paranormal equipment to perform investigations under the new banner. The team’s first pre investigation was at a place called the Selma Mansion in Norristown, PA. There Brian J Cano gave Chaires and his team’s former lead investigator valuable tutorials on how to use some of the equipment., conduct EVPS, and how to properly map figures with the SLS camera. Chaires took this knowledge that he learned from Cano and booked the team’s first investigation on December 9, 2020 at Sanderson Museum in Chadds Ford, PA. There the team’s NVR security system was going off, at the same time their batteries were drained on their emf meters, at the same time an orb popped up on a digital camera photo. After the first investigation the team went to the Mill of Anselma in Chester Springs, PA. On that investigation the team captured a door flying open by itself when no one was on the property, caught several EVPS, and a rope that swinged by itself. It was a very active location.

In January of 2021 Chaires purchased the domain for and had a team from India build the first website in team history from the ground up. At the end of January 2021 world renowned medium Mark Anthony the Psychic Lawyer joined the team as a researcher. Anthony is an Oxford educated attorney and is a member of the US Supreme Court Barr. Anthony studied advanced mediumship at Arthur Findley College in England. In March of 2021 Chaires asked Rick Warner to join the team as the first tech manager in team history. Warner who was the US Ambassador to The Italian UFO Federation and came from a Mufon background brought his skills into the Phantom Detectives LLC talent pool. He joined the team at the Betsy Ross House in April 2021 for their 3rd investigation. That evening the team captured several growls in the basement area, along with several thermal images. On May 21, 2021 former Dark Matter Digital Network News Anchor Leo Ashcraft reached out to the team about a possible purchase of Dark Matter News. Dark Matter News was the primary news service of the network and was featured on Art Bell’s Midnight in the Desert in 2015 for his final return ever. After agreeing to a price Chaires purchased the website, logos, name, and more and rebranded it under Phantom Detectives LLC’s banner. Right after the team purchased Dark Matter News Psychic Medium Melissa Ferrazzano was invited to join the team. Ferrazzano was recommended to the team by world famous medium Cindy Kaza. Ferrazzano brought skills such as Advanced Mediumship, Crystal Healing, Shamanic Healing, Energy Tapping, and much more. She joined the team for their 4th investigation at Selma Mansion in Norristown, PA.

That night at Selma Mansion the team captured a lot of activity in the upstairs doll room. Melissa Ferrzzano was picking up on a connection to Lincoln and more. After researching the history Chaires was able to determine that Andrew Porter who built the mansion was the Great Grandfather of Mary Todd Lincoln. After wrapped up that investigation the team did a residential case at a client’s home in Philadelphia, PA. That evening the team had potty mouth spirits curse at them on a ghost box, they picked up on a young man that lost his life, and much more. This homeowner reported having both UFO type markings on his legs, and having his bed sheets pulled off him. After completing this investigation, the team felt very drained. This investigation was recorded for Dark Hour Paranormal on YouTube. On September 24, 2021 the team returned to Sanderson Museum this time with Rick and Melissa to do Worlds Largest Ghost Hunt 2021. That evening the team had equipment bags that were piled up near the stairs that blocked them from leaving. During that night Ferrazzano was picking up on a connection to Lincoln there as well. According to Chaires the museum houses a bandage that was on President Lincoln’s body after he was shot by John Wilkes Booth in April 1865. In addition, various devices were going off all night. After completing this investigation, the team wrapped up the year at White Chimneys in Gap, PA. This would be the final investigation of their first lead investigator. Before the investigation Chaires promoted Rick Warner to Lead Investigator/Tech Manager/Director of Client Relations as the successor to that outgoing member.

The team began 2022 with high aspirations. Their first investigation of 2022 was one of their most memorable. That night the team captured several SLS camera images, several EVPS, and their motion censored balls in the home owner’s daughters room were going off nonstop. It seemed the spirits haunting this house were of the previous homeowners who died there in 2014. In April 2022 the team did an investigation of the Van Sant Covered Bridge/Crybaby Bridge in New Hope, PA. The legend is a 17 year old young woman named Mary had a baby born out of wedlock and hung herself at the bridge in the 1870’s. Ferraazano was picking up on Mary, and the horse thieves who were hung there. Right at the spot Ferrazzano suggested Mary hung herself at their Rem-Pod was going off nonstop. Besides that, the team captured a thermal image, and several EVPs as well. For their May investigation the team decided to book an investigation with their colleagues from Jott-Nyx Paranormal at Bube’s Brewery in Mount Joy, PA. This location is known in Pennsylvania as one of the most haunted locations in the state. That night the team captured several amazing thermal images in the ballroom, their S-Box malfunctioned in the catacombs, they caught several SLS camera images, and several EVPS. After taking a month of the team did a residential case in July 2022 at a horse farm in New Providence, PA. It was a very active night during that investigation. On September 25, 2022 the team returned to Worlds Largest Ghost Hunt at Poplar Hill Mansion in Salisbury, MD. It was a two-hour drive but well worth it. Earlier that week Lead Investigator Rick Warner recorded a segment for Delmarva Life News. They really enjoyed having him. Unfortunately the streaming software for World’s Largest Ghost Hunt 2022 was changed but the team was able to capture a lot of evidence. From several EVPS, a thermal image, and more.

Two more investigations were added in November 2022 to wrap up the year. The first investigation was at the Lightship Overfalls in Lewes, De. The Lightship Overfalls is one of only 5 lightships left in existence. On that investigation the team captured an Annabelle Rempod spiking nonstop, emf meters capturing high readings, and a class A EVP was captured that said “Hello Help Me. On their last investigation of 2022 it was a different kind of case that would push the team to its limit. Every member had to say the lords prayer, be blessed with holy water, and be prepared mentally. That evening the team captured several terrifying EVPS from the basement, in the kitchen, and much more. In the corner of the basement a full bodied apparition was captured with a thermal camera. In December 2022 the team was featured in the Cape Gazette and WRDE Coast Am about their investigations at the Lightship Overfalls in November.

In conclusion Phantom Detectives LLC is one of the best upcoming teams in the paranormal investigation field. They have been featured on various radio shows such as Jim Harold, Broadcast Team Alpha, The Unexplained with Howard Hughes, Forbidden Knowledge News, and many more. Besides that the team was on a streaming network last year for several months, been on the cover of several paranormal magazines, and much more. Phantom Detectives LLC is also listed on the directories for,, and on Every member will only get better with experience. Within the near future the team will be attending Pennhurst Paracon 2023 which is the largest paranormal convention on the East Coast. Top teams such as Ghost Hunters, Kindred Spirits, and Destination Fear will be joining them for an exiting weekend. To contact the team please go to any of the five websites below.

You can read more about Phantom Detectives on their website

Joshua Chaires

Joshua Chaires

Joshua Chaires is a paranormal investigator, writer, researcher, musician, and publicist. Chaires got interested in the supernatural at an early age while watching Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack. His interest in the supernatural peaked in 2002 when he had the opportunity to investigate The General Wayne Inn in Marion Station, Pa. Chaires is a 2008 graduate of West Chester University and a future graduate student majoring in Business Administration.